Please find below a linked map providing contact details and locations for services that can assist with supporting telehealth access for consumers. You can search this map (e.g. by town or postcode) to find the closest location that has identified itself as supporting telehealth.

The Sites supporting telehealth access map has two layers:

The General telehealth support (blue) layer
Provides details of telehealth-enabled GPs, health services and residential aged care facilities that support consumers to access telehealth consultations. 

The Cancer Services telehealth support (yellow) layer
Provides information on telehealth-enabled services that have identified they can provide some cancer support.


To view larger map, click in top right corner, to be redirected to the complete map and access to the search tool


Blue and yellow icons indicate centres which support telehealth appointments.


When using the search tool, Google may find red pins, but these are not sites known for offering telehealth support. 


If you offer support for telehealth appointments and would like to be added to the map please complete this survey or if you require further information, please contact us at

If there is not currently a supporting site in the area you are looking for, please contact the following support teams, who may be able to assist with identifying appropriate sites and contacts, and may be able to assist with establishing access and support at the site.


Barwon and South West regions –  BSW Telehealth Program

Hume region – Hume Telehealth Agency

Cancer services